Daily Tracking

Habit Tracking. It’s a really popular trend in bullet journaling, despite not being part of the original rapid logging system. And it’s that way for a reason: people like to see the progress they’ve made, or habits they’ve kept up with. Sometimes they’re functional or necessary, like taking medication or tracking the number of hours you sleep. Sometimes, they’re aspirational, like workout trackers or recording the number of pages you write every day. There are tons of activities you can track and many ways to track them, both physical and digital.

I use a few trackers to look at what I do every day. One of my favorite things to do is look at past habit tracker pages to see what I was doing at any given week (and with a discbound planner system, I can actually pull all the habit tracker pages out and look at them together)!

In the beginning of 2019, I tried maintaining monthly and weekly trackers. By March, however, I had completely switched over to weekly trackers—I just don’t have the patience to keep flipping back to update a monthly tracker!

Here’s a template of the weekly tracker page I use now. On the top of the sheet is my time log, on the bottom is a group of other trackers. (Disclaimer: this picture, and all the pictures in this blog post, are not real. While I do use this habit tracking template, I am not using real information to fill out the time log or habit trackers below).

An example of a weekly habit tracker page.

An example of a weekly habit tracker page.


The Time Log

On the top half are time trackers (sometimes known as a time log, since 1 page has 7 time trackers). Each row has 24 boxes: one for each hour of the day. My days begin at 6 a.m. and end at 5:59 a.m. the next day, so the first box of the day is 6 a.m. to 7 a.m.

An example time log. In this example, I am midway through my Tuesday.

An example time log. In this example, I am midway through my Tuesday.


I use a combination of seven or eight colors to identify out what I’m doing at any given point. Sleeping (which is grey), “down time” (orange), and meetings (purple) are common things to track. I also track reading (pink), writing (red), programming (blue), hand coding (light blue), and “misc work” (green). These more detailed codes allow me to really see where my work time is spent on any given day.

Writing, in particular, involves a lot of different tasks. The three that are the most common for me are: outlining, new writing, and proofing. If I want to provide more detail about what I’m doing when I’m “writing”, I’ll mark a box with “O” for outline, “W” for new writing, and “P” for proofing.

Underneath each time tracker, I will write notes and details about that day, things that add context to the day’s data. This includes (but is not limited to): social functions I attend, exam days, major grading days, conference deadlines, travel days, and sick days.

Other Trackers

Below my time log are templates of a few other trackers. I don’t actually use all of these; I just wanted to present different ideas of trackers you may be interested in.

Some example trackers. In my day-to-day, I do use the work tracker and the skincare tracker.

Some example trackers. In my day-to-day, I do use the work tracker and the skincare tracker.

Work Tracker

I do use a work tracker: it’s a 7x3 matrix, with each row representing a day, and each column representing a task (c = coding, r = reading, w = writing). While I already track these tasks in my time log, they’re important enough that I also want to record when I do all three daily; I like day when I code a little, read a little, and write a little.


To the right of this 7x3 matrix is a set of purple bars. Those are the number of pages I hope to write daily (my estimate). I draw a rectangle to represent the number of pages I write in a given writing session (my observed)—1 box for 1 page, 3 boxes for 3 pages. This allows me to see the days I’ve hit my writing goals… and the days I haven’t.

The combination of my time log and my writing page tracker allows me to see how much I’ve written per hour. Sometimes, the words flow out easily and I can write 1 or 2 pages in an hour. Sometimes, it’s really hard to produce good writing.

Other Trackers

I do track a variety of other, non-work tasks. These range from the mundane habits, like brushing my teeth or showering, to hobbies, like baking and doing calligraphy.

For most of these tasks, each box represents one task per day (similar to my work tracker, the columns are the tasks and the rows are the days). It’s easy to vary up these tasks based on my needs that week, or things that I want to improve on. For that reason, the list of habits that I track change week-by-week.

Sometimes, I want to keep track of a more complex habit (e.g., taking multiple types of medication or my skincare routine). For this, I’ll often use a frankenlog system.

The Frankenlog

The goal of the frankenlog system frankenlog system, generally, is to jam as much information into a single page of your bullet journal. This is a great, minimalist strategy that gives you a “bird’s eye view” without sacrificing the detail.

One of the awesome features of the frankenlog is the “four mark” daily habit box. Each habit is tracked with a single pen stroke, allowing for four habits to be tracked with one box.

I use this system to track my skincare routine. In the morning, I have four tasks: face washing, toner, vitamin c extract,  and sunblock. In the evening, I have seven or eight tasks: face washing, micellar water, toner, face mask (sometimes), eye cream, hyaluronic acid serum, retinol, and night cream.

An example of a frankenlog habit tracker. Each “box” can track up to four different tasks or habits. In this skincare example, I have 4 morning steps and 8 nighttime steps.

An example of a frankenlog habit tracker. Each “box” can track up to four different tasks or habits. In this skincare example, I have 4 morning steps and 8 nighttime steps.


Weekly trackers give me a good sense of what I’ve been doing that week. This helps me make sure I’m living a (relatively) balanced life—time for work, for friends, and for myself. Plus, I love to see the bars fill up over the course of the week.

Example time lapse of a week’s worth of habit tracking information.

Example time lapse of a week’s worth of habit tracking information.

My Discbound Zettelkasten

My zettelkasten is the heart of my long-term notes. The German word “zettelkasten” literally translates into “slip box” (as in slips of paper). Built properly, it acts as a system of notes that you communicate with and, over time, learn from.

The premise is relatively simple: a zettelkasten is a collection of notes (think flash cards, but for comprehension and not rote memorization). Each note (or “zettel”) is a thought, bit of information, or concept. My zettels typically contain a keyword or phrase, some definition(s), relevant authors, and possibly causes/effects (antecedents and consequences of the concept).

Zettelkastens can be online and offline. In fact, I first learned about the zettelkasten system from Beck Tench, who uses a Zettelkasten via Tinderbox.

My zettelkasten is physical (surprise, surprise). For some time, I used regular index cards. However, when I switched to a discbound planner system early in 2019 (see my scheduling system here), I decided to also create a discbound zettelkasten. This allowed me to flip through my zettels and take them out to organize them in interesting ways.

An prototype of my zettelkasten. I took this picture while transitioning some of my old zettels into the final discbound zettelkasten.

An prototype of my zettelkasten. I took this picture while transitioning some of my old zettels into the final discbound zettelkasten.


Each zettel is a 4x3 index card, which is the size of the micro happy planner. I punch disc holes on one of the long sides of my zettels.

I keep my zettels in loose alphabetical order, so they’re relatively easy to find. I would discourage organizing one’s zettelkasten by topic or something because it may discourage unusual and surprising combinations of concepts (this is one way your zettelkasten “talks to you”).

Zettelkasten Key

Though I don’t formally organize my zettels (aside from alphabetically), I do ID each card with a unique alphanumeric sequence. Whenever I reference the zettel, I include the ID (both online and offline). My ID is a little complicated: the date of creation, followed by a field tag, a level of analysis, and a keyword. It typically looks something like this:


20191222” is the date (2019-12-22). “CT stand for the field (Communication Theory). “0001” implies an individual-level idea. Finally, “word” is the keyword.


Understanding my identification system. This is the first page of my zettelkasten. The stickers and washi tape were gifted to me by fellow grad students in my department!


Identification systems do not need to be nearly as complex as mine, but they do need to help you produce unique identifiers. When I reference Zettel A in in Zettel B, I’ll write the ID of Zettel A into Zettel B.

Writing the Zettel

In addition to an ID, my zettel also includes:

  • The concept, usually a phrase or word. One zettel should be one “piece” of information. I also have dated zettels to refer to historical events (like the American Revolution, WWI, and the establishment of GATT.

  • A brief definition or explanation of the concept. Sometimes, I’ll reference other zettels.

  • On the back of my zettels, I have post-its referencing the other zettels (with the concept and the ID) and the names of relevant scholars or citations of relevant articles.

Front of Zettel

Front of Zettel

Back of Zettel

Back of Zettel


Combining Zettles

To write literature reviews, I take out my zettelkasten and combine multiple concepts in a “physical mind map” (If I like it enough, I’ll write it out as a cohesive flow chart and will digitize it).


One of the first times using my zettelkasten prototype. In the upper left corner, you can see the ways in which I combined the zettels to make a claim.


In this process, I often treat my zettels as nouns or verbs. Arrows are usually verbs or prepositions. I then use these zettels to create first drafts of my thesis statements (for short memos and articles, in particular).

Book Logging and The Zettelkasten

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I use an open circle bullet (o) to indicate an idea I want to put into my zettelkasten. Sometimes, I want to write new zettels. Other times, I want to add to already-existing zettels. In the case of the latter, I’ll write that zettel’s ID in my notes, so my book is also “linked” to my zettelkasten.

When I add the information to my zettelkasten (either as a new zettel or when expanding on an already existing zettel), I fill in the circle. I try to scan my book log once a week to transfer concepts to my zettelkasten.

This process is great because it allows me to review my notes. When I want to add new notes, I use a different colored pen, so I know what my original comments were and what my newer comments were.

Book Logging

Over the past year, I’ve been experimenting with different ways to take notes on what I read (mainly books, research papers, and academic articles). While doing my coursework, my reading strategy was haphazard and very course-dependent. Sometimes, I would take notes in-line. Other times, I would write them down on post-its or loosely organized sheets. This worked well enough for individual projects… but it is unruly as a long-term collection of notes.

Since my preliminary exams, I’ve been using a dedicated reading journal, which I highly recommend (all the pictures I use in this post come from that reading journal).


An early entry of my book log, for Tomasello’s Becoming Human . I would write the page number on the far left side (highlighted by different chapters), and then the notes to the right. Sometimes, I’d include notes in different colors or post-it’s if I wanted to move concepts around.


At the beginning of my book is an Index, which lists the books or articles that I have reading, and the page I begin my notes for that book or set of articles.


My Book Index, with some notes (in red).


Since last month, I’ve started using the book log strategy from the Bullet Journal site. I’m a fan of bullet journaling in general, and the original bullet journal method is great for those looking for a planner/to-do list/organization system (you can learn about the bullet journal rapid logging system here, and I highly recommend the 5-minute video tutorial here).

This system is originally made for books, but you can also use this system for journal articles you read in class or for a project.

What makes the book log system unique?

  1. Chapter Index: Reading notes begin with a chapter index. This is usually the table of contents for a book. If I were reading articles for a class or research project, I would list all the articles here. I was somewhat irked with the time it took to write down all the chapters, but it has been absolutely worth it when I come back to old notes.

  2. “Treading”: When I take notes and want to point to a specific part of the book, I write the page, paragraph, and line number down. (This is not quite the same as bullet journal threading, but it has a similar principle). As the blog post recommends, you can use a “^” arrow to indicate “same as previous” (like an “ibid.”).

  3. Different bullets: Like rapid logging, the book log system several different “bullets” to indicate different types of notes and tasks. The ones they recommend are dashes for regular notes (this is the most common bullet for me), a quote for quotes, and a dot for tasks.

- dashes

“ quotes

  • tasks

I added two (well, three) more to this list:

= for combining ideas

? for questions (I haven’t used this, but I imagine it would be useful in class or guided reading)

o     I use an open circle for incomplete tasks. I fill it in when the task is complete*

(* the only tasks I really have in my book log, however, is to add to my zettelkasten.)

These six “bullets” collectively constitute my key.

Book Logging Key

Book Logging Key


How do I use this system?

I begin by writing out my chapter index. Though the book log system recommends writing the chapter in as you read it, I actually wrote down all the chapters I was interested in at the beginning. When I take notes for a chapter, I write the first page of those notes on the far right.


Some notes I took from my first attempt using a book log, while reading a research paper about Foxconn and targeted economic development (Mitchell et al., 2019).


Underneath the chapter index, I will have space to write some main points from the book. This typically includes a “purpose statement”: one sentence about why the author wrote the book or what the author hopes to accomplish with the book.

When I read a chapter, I write “CHAPTER #” and then take notes below that. I do my threading on the far right of the page (at the minimum, I usually write the page number). All my threads are highlighted so I can find them easily.

What if I’m reading a couple of articles?

I haven’t used this method as much for reading articles, but I imagine it would still be useful. I did read a set of articles about North Korea, and I found it was useful to read related pieces in 4-5 article batches. In this case, I treated each article as a “chapter.” I wrote an article index, with the “key points” section beneath. Like chapters, some articles are more or less useful than others. I also use the citation shorthand (AUTHOR, DATE) instead of the chapter number. I thread similarly, but I add a column number (page, column/paragraph, line).

For seminars, I would recommend treating each class session as a batch.

What do I take notes on?

Before I started using the book log system, but after I started taking notes in a book, I was asked to do a presentation on organizing your notes. One student had asked me “how do you know what to take notes on, instead of writing everything down?”

At the time, I gave a very lackluster answer: I followed my gut. I’ve been frustrated with that response ever since, which got me thinking about my note-taking process. And, of course, when I think, I read. Andrew Abbott’s book Digital Papers had a great chapter on Reading (Chapter 7). He describes several “modes of reading”: (1) narrative reading, (2) meditative reading, (3) scan reading, (4) mastery of argument reading, (5) party mastery readings.

This typology is great for thinking about what information you want to extract from reading—and what notes you want to take. I use my book log for meditative reading and when I am trying to understand (or “master”) the core argument of someone’s book or article. For this reason, having a “purpose” or “key points” section below my chapter index is really useful, and keeps my focus on the goal (comprehension).

In books, the first few chapters tend to be the most theory-laden, with the subsequent chapters or parts focusing on proof (either statistical, qualitative, case-based, or some combination thereof). I spend a lot of time on these earlier chapters and tend to write the most notes for them.

Going beyond the book

One of the things I’ve struggled with the most is how I translate notes in my book into a broader collection of “ideas” between multiple books. One of the ways that I do so is my combination bullet (=), which I use if what I’m reading reminds me of another author. These notes help me connect multiple authors or concepts in-the-moment; in other words, it’s great short-term.


Some notes I took while re-reading Jeffrey Alexander’s The Civil Sphere. While reading, I connected some thoughts between Alexander and Parsons. You’ll also see that I wrote a quote down verbatim from chapter 3.


For the long-term, I rely on my zettelkasten, which I’m hoping to talk about in my next blog post.

Research Pipeline: Tracking Your Papers

One of the most important things you have to do as an academic is keep track of your projects—and, by extension, your papers. Like many researchers, I get interested in a lot of projects and (dare I say it) I tend to over-commit (*unsurprised gasp*). But keeping track of my projects helps me be realistic about what I can accomplish and what I have on my plate.

The most common way to track your projects is to use a “research pipeline” (also known as a publication pipeline). This metaphor is extremely useful: between when you conceptualize the project to when you publish the paper is a whole mess of steps including (but not limited to): data collection, data analysis, writing the paper, and revisions (and revisions, and revisions, and revisions). By breaking up your project into steps that build on each other, it makes producing research and writing up your results more manageable.

These steps are not always linear. When you receive a revise and resubmit a full paper, reviewers may ask you to redo a part of the analysis. The manuscript itself may even go through several complete rewrites before it is accepted to a journal. And book projects may have entirely different pipelines.

A simplified “rule of thumb” for your publication pipeline is the 2-2-2 (two in development, two in data analysis, and two under review; though I’ve seen variants with different 2’s).

However, as many articles have pointed out, there are lots of intermediary steps that should be recognized. Suggestions range from anywhere between seven and eleven (or more). My pipeline has 9 steps.

In 2019, these were my steps: (1) literature/planning, (2) collect data, (3) compile data, (4) data analysis, (5) draft paper, (6) full paper, (7) conference/under review, (8) R&R, (9) accepted!

In 2020, I modified my steps slightly: (1) idea nursery, (2) data plan/IRB, (3) data collection, (4) data analysis, (5) draft paper, (6) near completion, (7) under review, (8) R&R, (9) accepted!

The main changes are in the first half of the pipeline. I expanded out my “literature/planning” step into two steps: the idea nursery (which I read a lot of literature to understand the question’s domain) and the data planning (where I think about what data layers and analyses I need to answer the research question I’m interested in). The data planning is critical for me: different projects demand different types of data plans. Survey experiments and semi-structured interviews, for example, must go through IRB approval. In projects relying on a large text dataset, I have to think about how I want to construct my corpus.

After this, my steps are fairly consistent: collect the data (i.e., execute the data plan), analyze the data, draft the manuscript, complete the manuscript (“near completion” was a better descriptor for me than “full paper”), submit the paper to a publication (or conference), receive and complete an R&R (if submitting to a publication), and getting the paper accepted. When a paper under review is rejected, I move it back to the “near completion” stage (or earlier if I need to do more).

For projects that I want to shelf, I treat the back of my page as a literal “shelf.” In 2020, I split my shelf into a “short term shelf” (things that I want to pick back up within the year) and a “long term shelf” (things that I want to go back to, but probably not for some time).

How do I keep track of the pipeline?

I’ve used a variety of different strategies to try and keep track of my papers. First, I used to list them all on a sheet of paper and cross out the paper when it had been accepted. This was a good first step, but it didn’t really help me understand the stage my paper was on.

Now, I use a physical pipeline with post-it notes. I got inspiration from this bullet journal spread, which uses a similar strategy (there are 12 steps in this pipeline). The original spread has a color-coded system (green for dissertation, orange for side projects, and yellow for postdocs), but I am more haphazard.


My 2019 Pipeline! Thanks for helping me keep track of this year’s papers!

Moving my post-it’s to my 2020 pipeline!


May of my projects turn into multiple papers. For each project, I have a 2-6 letter key (“SP” or “Debate” or MCRC”). Papers are indicated with an additional word. For example, my paper on Russian IRA disinformation in the news was “SP News”. My paper on cross-platform Russian disinformation was “SP 3media”.

Each paper is indicated with a post-it note. I like to keep track of papers rather than projects because my projects are prone to branching into multiple papers. When I complete a step, I move the post-it for that paper to the next stage. However, I can also go backward: when I have to redo some analysis for a paper, I move my post-it from “Under Review” back into “Data Analysis” (or even “Data Collection”).

When a paper is accepted, I write the paper down in my last box (“Accepted!”) and throw away the post-it note for that paper. I like the permeance of writing the accepted/in-press/published paper down. I’ll also put a little exclamation mark for accepted papers that are single-authored or first-authored.

In conclusion: tracking your research/publication pipeline is really useful for understanding what stage your project is at. I encourage reviewing your pipeline at least once a month and updating the pipeline yearly (especially if you’re still trying to figure out the most optimal steps in your pipeline… which may change as your research interests change).

Daily Scheduling

If my weekly (master) to-do list is looking at the forest, my daily to-do and schedule are the individual trees.

My Daily To-Do List

My daily to-do list is a selection of tasks from my weekly to-do and minor to-do’s that come up over the course of the day (things like taking out the garbage or responding to that email… or posting on Twitter). This step is not super necessary, but it is the middleman between my weekly to-do list and my scheduler.

Here are 3 days of to-do lists.

Here are 3 days of to-do lists.

Sometime in the summer of 2019, I started color-coding my tasks by priority. I have three red boxes for “high priority” tasks, three or four yellow boxes for “middle priority tasks” and about six or seven boxes for “low priority tasks.”

I often repeat long tasks that take me several days. I check off a task when I’ve worked on it that day (not necessarily when I complete it—that’s what my master to-do list is for). In the above example, I just wrote “Dissertation writing” or “diss writing”, but I tend to be more specific (e.g., what chapter of my dissertation am I working on?)

My Schedule

Once I’ve written my to-do list, it’s time to work on my schedule for that day. Right now, I’m using my Happy Planner to schedule my days. I really like writing out what I’m going to do the next day. I know many people prefer to be high-tech, though (most people have an iCal, gCal, planner, scheduler, or something digital). I’ve had both a Google calendar and a planner for the majority of my time in higher education (there were one or two years where I gave up on the physical scheduler).

For a while, my primary schedule was digital (Google Calendar). This was great when I took classes or was a Teaching Assistant because I had to work around major blocks of time (i.e., classes). But since I’ve started dissertating, I’ve switched almost completely over to my planner. I like being able to see my to-do list and my schedule side by side, and I couldn’t really replicate that effect with Any.do + gcal.

Though I may go back to a hybrid system in the future (where I maintain both a planner and an online calendar), it’s unlikely that I will ever go “full digital” again. There are just too many benefits to maintaining a physical planner. You don’t have to worry about having an internet connection, for one. I find that I remember my schedule better when I write it down, as well. There has been a resurgence of planning on paper in the past few years (see all the news articles discussing this in WSJ, NYT, Vox, and CNBC)!

Planners also don’t have to be too expensive. Sure, some people dish out upwards of $60.00 for their planner. But you can easily maintain a physical planner with a one-dollar notebook and a pen using the bullet journal strategy.

To make my schedule, I use a strategy called time blocking.

Time Blocking

Time blocking refers to planning out “blocks” of time to do various things. Time blocking is a great strategy for young academics because it (theoretically) forces you to devote long periods of time to a task, whether it is reading, writing, programming, analyzing, or something else.

You can time-block regardless of whether you use a digital or analog system. Below is an example of a digital time blocked schedule in April 2017 (When I was a teaching assistant and taking classes). I’ve color-coded many of my tasks: light green is for my own classes, dark green is for my research groups, blue is for the class I was a teaching assistant, light red for reading, dark red for writing, purple for programming, and seafoam green (“peacock”) for hand coding (for a traditional content analysis). Color coding online (or offline) can be really useful—it’s a way to quickly see what you need to do.

My time blocked schedule from a week in April 2017 (when I was still working as a teaching assistant and taking classes). I do have some gaps in time, so not all of my time is completely organized. But it does what I need it to do, and that’s the most important part!

In my physical planner now, I block time by assessing what I need to do for that day, estimating how long it takes to do that task, and trying to find a block of time to fit into my schedule. For example, if I know I want to dedicate 3-4 hours to working on a paper, I’ll look for a time in my schedule to fit that in.

Here’s what my planner looks like now. Happy Planners with a vertical layout (like mine is) are blocked into thirds. I used the first box to write my to-do list and a second box to write my time blocked schedule. My third box is a wild card: I’ll put quotes in it, grocery lists, or agendas for meetings.
Vertical planning layouts mean that you plan vertically (in columns). Each day is a column. Some vertical planners are already time-stamped. Horizontal planning layouts, on the other hand, have wider and shorter spaces for their days. Days are stacked on top of each other.

Time blocking may seem overboard (“you mean I have to schedule all my time?”*) but there is a big payoff: I get more work done and have dedicated time to major projects, and I force myself to have breaks by blocking them in. This is very important: taking time off is important, and scheduling in a break is better than not taking a break at all.

My time blocked schedule is also an estimation—the only person forcing you to your time blocked schedule is yourself. It is rare that my time blocked schedule aligns perfectly with reality. Like most people, I tend to overestimate what I can do (we all do; it’s called planning fallacy). Or, there are days where I just crash. When this happens, it’s important to not be hard on yourself. A time blocked schedule is supposed to help you, not make you feel like shit.

Sometimes, advocates of time blocking say that it prioritizes your work. This is true to some extent—but it’s not the point of time blocking; at least, it’s not to me. Time blocking prioritizes your time: you only have so many hours in the day to live (to work, to relax, to create, to think, to thrive, to cry, to eat, to poop, to sleep). Time blocking, at least the way that I use it, helps me maintain a balance between work and life. I put in break times because I know I can’t work 24/7 (or at least, I know I shouldn’t or I will burn out). Time blocking allows you to prioritize what is important. That might be work, or that might be your creative endeavors after work, or time for you to hang out with friends.

* Obviously, you don’t have to schedule all your time away. In my digital calendar from 2017, I obviously had gaps of time.

When do I do all of this?

At the end of the day, I write my to-do list and my schedule for the next day. It’s usually one of the last things I do. I’ve tried to write my schedule on the morning of that day, but I’ve had less success with that (some people do prefer to plan in the morning, though). Here are my steps:

  1. Review my Master to-do list. Is there anything urgent I need to consider or include?

  2. Write my Daily to-do list. I rarely fill out all the boxes at this point (if there are 10 boxes total, I usually fill about 5 or 6).

  3. Write my schedule by the hour (or half-hour). The first thing I think about is when I need to wake up for that day.

  4. I then fill it in with meetings and major deadlines.

  5. I finally time-block my remaining time. Conventional wisdom suggests that the first few hours of your day are your most productive. I like to get a lot of writing or coding out of the way in the morning. I always make time for breaks.

Preparing for 2020!

It’s December, which is when we tend to think about what we’ve done this year and what we hope to do for next year. For me, that reflection includes updating my personal organizing and scheduling system (e.g., planners, calendars, bullet journals, organizers).

Organizing has been essential to maintaining a consistent workflow throughout my academic career. It’s a living system—I continually revamp it to make sure I’m getting the most out of it. Right now, I’m using a “paper-dominant hybrid system”: my scheduler, to-do list, reading notes, and zettelkasten are in print, but I maintain a digital calendar, a citation system, and mind-mapper.

Organizing systems are as varied as academic scholars. This makes sense: your system should serve your needs. But regardless of whether it’s digital or physical, multi-platform or all in one place, it behooves scholars to have a system that isn’t a pile of scraps or things you write on your hand. Trust me when I say: there is too much to remember in grad school for you to “have it all in your head.” If you don’t write things down or record it, things will inevitably slip from your mind.

For that reason, I'm hoping to spend my next few blog posts talking about how I organize my academic life (from day-to-day scheduling to keeping notes that will last a decade). I’ll also talk about how I’m updating my 2019 system for the new year.

But before I proceed, here are a couple of disclaimers/considerations:

  1. No organization system is perfect forever. In the planner community, the term “planner peace” refers to having a system you are completely satisfied with. While this sounds awesome, realistically, you won’t find a system that completely fits you for your whole life. Your planner system will change as you and your career changes—but this is how it should be, because what you need from your organizing system will change.

  2. Maintenance is key. A good organizing system relies on regular maintenance. That might involve setting aside time weekly to update your citations, review your planner/calendar, or to clean your to-do list. As diverse as organization systems are, they all still require maintenance.

  3. The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Few of the days I schedule and organize go exactly as I anticipated. Even if I write a daily to-do list, I rarely complete it. Don’t be hard on yourself when your plans go out the window for a day (or longer). Don’t feel bad if you have to forgo your organizing system for a bit when things get hectic.

  4. Don’t mistake planning for doing. Planning out your day is not the same as actually doing what you planned. Don’t make planning busy-work to avoid the real work you have to do.